Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Bridget Jones

O~ beautiful movie... made me want to have a serious date. Colin Firth was great as Mark Dorcy! I want to have a boy friend like him who can do lots of "powerful" things but still tend to woman's little need!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Shall We Dance?

March 14, 2005

Shall We Dance... I didn't recognize this movie from its name. However, after I found out it's starting Richard Gere & JLo, I kinda get an impression of what this movie is going to be like. Still, I did not expect the movie is going to be this good.

Basically, the movie is about a middle age man who wants to have a more exciting life without letting his wife know. The reason was kind innocent - He thought he had enough to be happy, and he felt guilty being not happy. So a few nights he passed by a dancing school, saw a depressed woman (JLo), felt 同病相憐. So he jumped off train one night to join the dancing class. Through the classes, he found joy again in his life, which his daughter noticed the change. Later, his wife thought he got an affair. He became a really good dancer and inspire people around him to look inside of themselves.

I like this movie. The tempo is really good. And there are some rythem in it which will actually made me want to join and dance. Funny thing was that I actually looked into dancing classes a few days ago without knowing this movie.

Hmmm... hint hint ;)