Thursday, February 07, 2008

Picture Tagging

Google has their way to make people to do the hard work :)

I am a believer of hierarchy-less retrieving - aka tagging. (wow, the terminologies used to occupied my head are all gone). However, I do realize the fact that it's an enormous work to make it usable. But Google has its way quietly put this WORK onto the users.

It is not a new idea to have this type of competition tagging game. I have read it in the research paper. This way, not only there is some sort of consensus of the best tag for the given picture. Also, there is association of tags. AWESOME!

Yes, the hotness of tag has passed... people don't talk about it much any more. However, with google image labeler.. who knows... maybe when they gather enough data, they can push more products out with imagine association feature.