Friday, March 14, 2008

Digital Picture frame

For every terrible mockup we see, there's a few that stand out -- and it looks like that Digital Polaroid frame concept we spotted a couple weeks ago caught some eyes over at Polaroid as well, because the company has apparently contacted designer Dave Friedman and is working on making it a real product. That's a pretty fitting tribute to a classic gone by -- but we won't be appeased unless you can shake this thing to make new photos appear.

That's a post from

I really like this idea even though:
"David Friedman, the concept's originator, got in touch and let us know that "I wish [it] were the case, but unfortunately the first I heard of this was earlier today in a post on Stuff Magazine's website. ... So I think this still goes in the "rumor" category for now."

Hmm, what if....
we can have a picture frame.. polaroid style or not.. it's supported by an interface that people can add caption to it. And the picture frame itself will process all those writing and put it in the bottom (the white area).

Even better, I felt today digital picture frame is kinda "dumb" idea because you have to plug it in and turn it on for display. No one will keep that on always.. or plug in when guest show up. MY SUGGESTION is... to have it support by solar power :)... probably need some battery to keep powering the device. Technically, it's challenge. But, it made the perfect sense. When guest comes, we want to turn the light on and show the picture... even better, we can have some sort of "gallery treatment"

[see picture here]

Or we can always have a switch to "strength the power" if people actually are viewing!