Monday, March 23, 2009

On / Off Toggle

I remember when I first started design, I always have trouble to come up a good digital representation of on / off switch.... Ok, I still have the trouble. It's really hard to show what's "on" now - you can show "on is pressed in" but is that really feel like it's on?

Today I encounter's lights on | off button.

First, it has the instant feedback... thanks to Ajax. The page flip between White and Black, with some (bad) delay. Second, doesn't matter what you press, it switches.

It didn't solve the issue from its root, but I felt it's a good recover from users' mistake. ONLY.... with that delay... I toggled many times before I finally landed on the Lights ON stage.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Google: Creative Reel

It's hard not to skip a heartbeat for chip like this... I am nerdy + geeky.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Facebook V2

Facebook has released another portfolio redesign. As many people said, it's more like the first one, however, the applications are more hidden. I agreed! I don't see my applications anymore. Out of sight, out of mind. Sometimes, that's a good thing for the application developers. I used to have a habit of "spring cleaning." I went in my profile from time to time (especially the first version - that's called that version 2007). I moved those I didn't interact on regular basis to the bottom of the page, and removed those I don't care anymore applications out of my profile. I believe, I believe the companies behind the applications will no longer receive my information.

Soon, version 2008 came, I don't see my applications anymore. I only go applications that I "think" of: Poker game, then Playfish applications. Even that... is a bit too much. Good that they have "shortcut" at the bottom of the page. I totally just use those space and only work with those applications. I rarely touch any other application. Just leave them on my app pages.

Now, 2009 comes! I almost use facebook like multimedia twitter. I don't even look for the application. And I felt, the "highlight" on the right hand sides are things I once cared: those already earned my eyeball once / twice / three times. To a point, it's no longer a highlight to me~ However, ads are now in between my "highlights." It blended into what supposely be my "surprise" of the day~ Resulting, I dont' really want to read beyond my first highlight.

Also, I like the multimedia twitter aka status page. It combined the wall content and status. I actually like the "Like" link. However, with the revision in 2009 portfile facelift... sigh~ it tries wayyyy too hard to invite me to give my comment. I dont' like that feeling. Maybe I am a "cleaning freak" type of user. I want to "go through" my page and clean all the "blank spaces."

but now.. sigh~ it's a bit psychologically messy for me. I see too many "my icons." Might just be me. But... it ticks me.

Monday, March 09, 2009

北海岸、澎湖 爭取世界地質公園

更新日期:2009/03/10 03:32 黃如萍/台北報導







另 外,由玄武岩構成的澎湖群島有十個地質景點具備世界地質公園所需的稀有性、獨特性或不可替代性,被視為台灣爭取世界地質公園最具希望的景點。林俊全指出, 國際上許多地區有玄武岩地形,但一大片多樣且獨特的玄武岩地形、且容易觀賞則並不多見,加上特有的海洋生態與文化,澎湖玄武岩地形非常特殊與稀有。

