Thursday, June 18, 2009


語助詞就還蠻可愛的~~ 大概是因為我也用習慣ㄌ


毛毛的~~ 張雨生車禍前三天,接受華視「針線情」的訪問,談到他最崇拜的偶 像莫札特。張雨生表示自己的偶像是莫札特,他覺得莫札特很偉大: 「他不是人,是神!」張雨生很羨慕他的才華,聽說他作曲都不打草 稿,而且曲中充滿和平,他希望自己有一天也能做到這樣。


Monday, June 08, 2009

Twitter is Not Your Average Social Network

OK... eventually, I will move all these newsharing / inspiration news to another blog... but now...

via Mashable! by Stan Schroeder on 6/2/09

Twitter LogoA study conducted by Harvard Business Review reveals that most Twitter users don't actually use the service much, or even at all. In fact, 10% of active users are responsible for over 90% of all Tweets.

According to the research, conducted on a random sample of about 300,000 Twitter users in May 2009, 25% of Twitter users don't tweet at all, while 50% of users tweet less than once every 74 hours. Active users, on the other hand, tweet a lot, which makes Twitter a lot more like Wikipedia than an average social network (see graph below, courtesy of HBR).


Although this may sound strange at first, Twitter really is more like Wikipedia than, say, Facebook. Twitter is not so much about connecting with your friends, it's about broadcasting information. Although it doesn't necessarily take much creativity to create a tweet, only the most creative users actually persist in tweeting every day over a longer time period.

However, Twitter is also similar to a instant messaging tool, which should have a very different curve, with a larger proportion of users contributing to the number of overall tweets. It seems that Twitter's micropublishing component is winning over its chatting component.

The Harvard Business Review study reveals another interesting tidbit: men seem to follow men more than women on Twitter. There are more women than men on twitter - approximately 55% of all users are female - but an average man will follow a man in 65% of all cases, while a woman will follow a man in 56% of cases. It's hard to pull any meaningful conclusions from this anomaly, except one: Twitter is different than other social networks. But you already knew that.


Cupcake Cones

OMG... Someone is thinking!
This is great and eco-friendly!

via Instructables: exploring by scoochmaroo on 6/8/09
Delicious, clever, and surprising, these cupcakes impersonating ice cream cones are sure to delight!

My mother used to make these for my brother and me when we were kids and had to bring in birthday treats to school. I had extra cake batter left over from making Cake in a Jar (coming soon), and ...

By: scoochmaroo