Monday, November 07, 2005

[Product-testing] .Mac

I have tried .Mac today. I signed up with a free trial and downloaded iSync to my machines since I don't have Tiger on my system.

I entered the Mac world with a mail, addressbook, bookmarks, homepage, groups, and iCards. I went into the "making" of homepage, it is quite interesting. It asked me to choose templates for my page. At first, I didn't notice the "function" tabs on the side. I was forced to make a selection of photos (because I was in the photo album feature).

I personally like the feature without knowing why I like it besides, it's an additional online desktop for me. However, I do not like their "online" file system. It provides me with a false sense of local machine. But, due to the internet speed and online environment, I was not able to have the desktop machine immediately feedback. It kinda frustrated me a little bit at the beginning (until I learned to watch the loading status bar).

Overall, I like the idea of online desktop and file on the go, however, I have trouble to distinguish where I was (online vs. offline).

I like the homepage making feature, however, I felt it's still not yet working toward my "cognitvie" pattern.

Keep playing until it expires ;)


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