Wednesday, August 27, 2008


How can you find your passion? Bill Zanker has these suggestions for you:

1. Don't think about how you can make money. Money is how you keep score. But if money is your only source of motivation, you will surely fail. Your competitors who are charged up with passion for the business will kick your butt.

2. Don't think about problems, obstacles or competition. When you're thinking about problems by definition your mind is not focused on your passion. Bill Zanker says, "Focus on passion, not problems."

3. Do think about something that excites you, something that you would do even if you weren't getting paid for it.

4. Can't think of anything? Then you've got to start dreaming of things you enjoy doing, people in business that you admire and want to be like. I could be that you are afraid to think of the thing you really want to do because you are afraid you don't have what it takes to do it. If their were no limitations, and you could do whatever you want to do, what would it be?

5. Find something useful to do for others. Think about what you can produce or what service you can offer that is valuable and useful to people and the community. What needs to be improved? What can be done better or more efficiently? What problem can you solve? What needs can you fill? And most importantly ask, Will you have fun doing it?


Wendy405 said...

Really interesting. Thanks for sharing. :)

HappyHeart said...

Heheh... Dreaming is good and healthy. I felt the fuel to dream is "working toward the dreams." That is the only way to make us building on the dream, or change direction.

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