Tuesday, May 05, 2009

UI - Betray of User Experience?

This is what I would call, when business is on the line, UI betrays UX. Or, this simply is when UI needs to take a step back and rethink better way to bring ads to the eyeballs.

This UI was part of add-on to my usability testing. I didn't like it even on the spot: When a user comes to this page, reading the articale, their eyes got attracked to the images at the bottom. Great Job Publishers! I have to say, the publishers (at AOL, and its correspondent lines of publishing) put up the most inticing and interesting images online. I am always tempted to give it a click. Then bad experience starts....

Instead the images just natually pagnated to the next asset, it pops a window with 1 cube ad, 3 text ads. It disgusts me before my mind got draw back to the image(s). As I browse a few more images, the flicker rate is so high, it annoys me. And, lastly, it's usually a pool of contents. Content that interested to my purpose might just be 10 images, but I got throw into a pool of 100.

I am all for content association. However, I feel the experience should also be designed.


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