Thursday, September 24, 2009

UX Week 2009 - Day 4

Yes, I only went to day 4... so here is my notes:

Matt Webb on "Design is in Your Hands"

Fanufacture: Getting your fans to make your product. A quote I from on this [Infovore]: “Fans” act as an intermediate layer between the product and a mass market: they evangelise and amplify it. If you want to make a pun out of it, you could call them middle fan-agement. They take a product and enthuse about it to a wider audience; crowdsourced marketing, if you like.

Prototyping - You can't tell how well something will work until it's in your sweaty palm!

Innovation in small steps - else, you might risk overwhelming your users with the new "paradigms." Be selective!

David Merrill on "Cookie scale computers and other phsycal approaches to computing"

Traditionally, computering is done in a way that user use limited learned (and sometimes unnature) motions to interact with the objects appears on the monitors. It dominates our attention to one task at a time. Mobile device has test its phsycial size limitation, by making it pocket size that closely resembled to a candy bar. The limitation is no long technical but because it has reached the nearly smallest size that human can interact with the content on the small screens yet maintain a reasonable readability. David Merrill & MIT Media lab purposed new way of computing by having the user interact with computers in the real physical environment. It not only allow computers to become even smaller and human can interact with the devices using the familar gestures of everyday life. Thanks to April's TED video: Siftables : [Siftables on TED]

Brian Cronin & Natasha Alani on Mobile Literacy

The mental model that we are using in United States sometimes cannot be transferrable across different cultures. Some of the mental models we adapated as computer users, when transferred to mobile devices, it seems reasonable... however, it doesn't make sense to the people who skip computer and straight to mobile devices (which is common in 3rd world countries, and potentially future generation of tech users?)

Not much note on John Peterson on Public Architecture(it feels like a result of ethnographic study - even though they didn't have the actual study) & Robin Hunicke on WildFlower: The UX of game/play(use gaming into designs - create this sense of buddy, helper, etc even outside the games).

''''Scott Snibbe on Social Immersive Media

Scott Snibble showed us many video clip of his past projects. It's basically using our entire body (or shadow) as an engaging object with components on the screen or other people (a.k.a social). This can be presented as an art, an educational tool, or just an illustration. It is effective way to attract attention comparing to the traditional information slides.

Jesse James Garrett on The state of User Experience (not much notes, but basically he was talking about how perception, action, cognition, and emotion are all intertwine into user experience. Each category has its capabilities, constraint, and context that affects users to interact.)


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