Thursday, October 30, 2008

Proposition 8 - made simple







Day 1, 2, 3

Day 1 and 2
I am now officially working for Gaia.

Yesterday, my first day at work, I spent whole day playing!!! How cool is that for the first day experience!! You can't trump that! I dressed up my avatar, polished my profile, and I played the Beta zOMG (which I ended up playing 2 more hours after work). I read a few manga to learn about Gambino.... yea, totally a fresh new user.

Walked around the office yesterday meeting other Gaians. They are super cool... but of course, inside of me, I secretly admire all the artists... OMG, they are super talented. I am fascinated by their skills! Hmm, I wonder if they can draw the cartoon-ized me.

On the 2nd day, I tried to browse / play some more! Instead of finish reading the manga, I started the mini-comic strips... haha, they are funny... my favorite one is "The Spartan Effect" with the disclaimer that I only went through 10~15 of them.

I was a bit anti-social yesterday ... yea, she was shy on her first day. But, it's the 2nd day, she better be active and start to make some friends. Hmmm... seems like there is no way to add friend via user ID? I had trouble adding. After bumping around, finally, I decided to ask for help. O duh, there are buttons at the bottom of the friends list!!!! Dude, can't find any easier way to add friends!

Buttons above or buttons below? One is against the natural flow, and one has the potential to go below the fold... Oops, can't help not to think like an experience designer.

Anyway, ME: " YES!! I have friends on Gaia now. "

Day 3
Done done done done done icon_smile.gif
I just completed my 3rd day at Gaia.

Today I did work haha... actually just work related meeting. I love working haha.
Other than meeting, I have done more exploration within Gaia. I actually went into Town to get pick up some trash and did some trick-or-treat (or i just took jelly beans out of their pumpkin mail box). It's fun haha, going around to collect jelly beans.

And, I changed my avatar again~ I went into shops to buy outfit. I bought a silly sumo suit and a snowman suit! I guess I like to pretend things. I don't like them look on me but I don't have enough golds to make my character interesting... dang... I also tried to sell something to exchange for gold. But things that rookies own... sigh~

Ok... that's my day 3 at Gaia....

Most memorable parts (other than team lunch at Chili's) are the meeting! Can't wait to fully launch into my mission!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Unexpected day offs

I am "in between" jobs: I signed off AOL last Friday, and I start my next job next Monday. And this week, I took time off for some dusting. Also, I piled lots of things - *house works*, *errands* - that I need to take care which I didn't have time for those...

so this week, it's the combination and the mix of all of the above.

Despite of how dislike I am to plan for a trip, I really enjoy taking a trip. Especially last time after I came back from San Diego, I felt I was totally relaxed and relieved. Originally, I wanted to take the time to visit Taiwan (and maybe to go to Japan); however, I didn't want to start the new job feeling jetlag. So I changed my destination to Chicago, then Seattle b/c of the air tickets. However, before the week started, I only wanted to make short trips, maybe just a trip to Vally Fair.

On Friday, I came home early after lunch with the UI team. I got home at 2:00pm and went for a big nap. After I woke up from my nap, I went biking to the bank. Even though it was only less than 1 mile, I felt so refreshed and accomplished.


On Sat, since my water treading class was cancelled, I went to Great Mall with Ivy and Janice. They have things for themselves, so I actually went shopping alone. I went to Old Navy and H&M and bought $100 worth of clothes. At that time, I felt I have accomplished 80% of my plan even before the week has started.

Sat night I cleaned my room and packed some clothes for storage. I decided to join Ivy to go to Clement & Winnie's house for a sleep over. This way we can wake up later on Sunday morning and still make Sunday worship practice. Dang, that's 90% of my plan for the week.


Sunday was a busy day as usual. I didn't sense the "joy" of upcoming day off on the Monday. I just know, I better do something to make my week interesting.

Ann and I were talking about to have a bike trip on Los Alto trail. I felt, that might be a good way to start the week. And Sunday night, she found out we can actually go bandmington at the community center close to her house. I felt that's a perfect plan. So I decided to devote my Monday to "relax style."

We met at 12:00pm after my struggle of setting up bike rack & filling water pack. Finally, we were ready to hit the road. We played bandmington till 2:00pm, then we head to the mexican place next to TGI Sushi. It's soooooooooooo yummy. Biking trip was fun also. Even though I felt it's a bit challenged; and I was actually tired before we got home. I felt really accomplished.


Tuesday, Ann and I were going to have a dinner with bunch girls. However, I wanted to go far... I wanted to go 17 miles drive (which was my only LONG trip that I have thought of). So, Ann made me to have to wake up early and leave early.

We left at 10:30am (desipte of I woke up @ 9:00), we went Carmel by the Sea. We went to a corn maze... an easy one; then we had lunch at a French Restraunt @ Carmel by the sea. Finally, we were ready for 17 miles drive... we ended up only have a couple hr for the drive. We rushed through many interest points.

Dinner @ Ann's was fun. We girls had hand rolls. We talked from 9:30-11:00ish at Ms. Su's office. It's very relaxing yet tiring.


I didn't just waste my Wed doing local stuff, since it's ONLY Wed. I decided that I would go Santa Rosa, and visit the Sarfari. I called the first thing after I woke up. I causally suggested if I can join the 4:00pm trip. Interestingly, that's the better tour hour for them. So I signed that up.

I first hit the Vally Fair to try to return a bag that I bought a ling time ago. However, since I didn't have the receipt, so I can't even get the store credit. That's 11:30am already. And, I was ready to leave HOME area and head to Santa Rosa.

My first stop in Santa Rosa was Snoopy Museum. I like the museum... however, I felt I might need more time there to finish reading all the comic strips. After the museum, it's 3:30p, I need to hurry myself to the sarfari...

The sarfari was fun. I saw lots of "wild" animals especailly girraffs which I got a close look of them. I left around 645pm and arrive Cupertino at 830pm. I missed the prayer meeting b/c I was so hungry... I only had corn chips whole day... a big bag, but really hungry for other type of food.


Thursday / today was a melo day... I wanted it to be this way.... I only went to do a oil change.. and shopped at drug stores... @ night, I went for dinner. I love meeting with friends... :)

ONE last day before the week to end. I have to say, that I kinda become too relaxed... I didn't know what day of the week it was a couple times.... :-p I felt I am stil 90% done from my original plan - I wanted to clean my room more...

Sigh.. weekend is here... busy weekend means .... I should get ready to the work mode.

I have not yet missed AOL (come on, it's hard to be.. since it's a week off.. it's like a vacation). However, I know I will... badly, next week.

Sign Off AOL.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

人生 水過無痕
記憶 滴水石穿

Friday, October 03, 2008

黃舒俊 戀愛症候群

超老的歌 但今天聽到還是覺得很有意思


作詞:黃舒駿 作曲:黃舒駿


關於戀愛症候群的發生原因 至今仍然是最大的一個謎
有些專家學者研究後相信 戀愛是內分泌失調所引起
不管你同不同意 自古到今許多例子證明
戀愛不但是一種病態 它還可能是一種變態

洗澡洗得特別乾淨 刷牙刷得特別用力 半夜突然爬起來彈鋼琴
有人每天站在陽臺對路人傻笑 有人突然瘋瘋癲癲 突然很安靜
有人一臉癡呆對著鏡子咬著指甲打噴嚏 有人對小狗罵三字經
女人突然改變髮型 男人開始每天練著啞鈴

隨著病情越來越變本加厲 人會變得格外敏感勇敢和噁心
寫的說的唱的都像天才詩人一般才華洋溢 愈肉麻愈覺得有趣
有人戀愛之後每天躲在廁所哭泣 有人開記者會宣佈戀愛的消息
有人總是喜歡兩個人躲在黑漆漆的地方 像做了不可告人的事情
每天忙著找人算命 挖空心思改變自己 配合對方的習性
把每天都當作紀念日 把自己當作紀念品
每天漫無目的膩在一起 言不及意也覺得好有趣
走著坐著躺著趴著都形影不離 像是兩人三腳又像連體嬰
心裡想的只有愛你愛你愛你愛你 也不管家裡米缸有沒有米
也不管路上有人示威抗議 只管愛你
心裡想的只有愛你愛你愛你愛你 也不管海峽兩岸統一問題
也不管衣索比亞多少難民 只管愛你

經過一段轟轟烈烈熱戀時期 不久就會開始漸漸痊癒
兩人開始互相厭倦 互相攻擊對方缺點 所有甜蜜都隨風而去
然後開始從錯覺和誤解中清醒 驚訝自己為何如此不聰明
為了愛情不管一切 不顧父母朋友姐妹兄弟 開始感到後悔不已
然後是精神不濟瞳孔放大脾氣暴燥四肢麻痺 終於受不了要分離

雖然結果頗令人傷心 瞭解之後也沒什麼了不起
愛情終究是握不住的雲 只是我想要告訴你

在我落寞的歲月裡 妳的溫柔解脫我的孤寂
帶給我深深的狂喜 如此顫動著我的心靈
輕輕訴說愛你愛你愛你愛你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是夢中或是清醒 深深愛你
我要對你說愛你愛你愛你愛你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是夢中或是清醒 深深愛你

多麼幸福 讓我遇見你 嗚..........................