Friday, October 24, 2008

Unexpected day offs

I am "in between" jobs: I signed off AOL last Friday, and I start my next job next Monday. And this week, I took time off for some dusting. Also, I piled lots of things - *house works*, *errands* - that I need to take care which I didn't have time for those...

so this week, it's the combination and the mix of all of the above.

Despite of how dislike I am to plan for a trip, I really enjoy taking a trip. Especially last time after I came back from San Diego, I felt I was totally relaxed and relieved. Originally, I wanted to take the time to visit Taiwan (and maybe to go to Japan); however, I didn't want to start the new job feeling jetlag. So I changed my destination to Chicago, then Seattle b/c of the air tickets. However, before the week started, I only wanted to make short trips, maybe just a trip to Vally Fair.

On Friday, I came home early after lunch with the UI team. I got home at 2:00pm and went for a big nap. After I woke up from my nap, I went biking to the bank. Even though it was only less than 1 mile, I felt so refreshed and accomplished.


On Sat, since my water treading class was cancelled, I went to Great Mall with Ivy and Janice. They have things for themselves, so I actually went shopping alone. I went to Old Navy and H&M and bought $100 worth of clothes. At that time, I felt I have accomplished 80% of my plan even before the week has started.

Sat night I cleaned my room and packed some clothes for storage. I decided to join Ivy to go to Clement & Winnie's house for a sleep over. This way we can wake up later on Sunday morning and still make Sunday worship practice. Dang, that's 90% of my plan for the week.


Sunday was a busy day as usual. I didn't sense the "joy" of upcoming day off on the Monday. I just know, I better do something to make my week interesting.

Ann and I were talking about to have a bike trip on Los Alto trail. I felt, that might be a good way to start the week. And Sunday night, she found out we can actually go bandmington at the community center close to her house. I felt that's a perfect plan. So I decided to devote my Monday to "relax style."

We met at 12:00pm after my struggle of setting up bike rack & filling water pack. Finally, we were ready to hit the road. We played bandmington till 2:00pm, then we head to the mexican place next to TGI Sushi. It's soooooooooooo yummy. Biking trip was fun also. Even though I felt it's a bit challenged; and I was actually tired before we got home. I felt really accomplished.


Tuesday, Ann and I were going to have a dinner with bunch girls. However, I wanted to go far... I wanted to go 17 miles drive (which was my only LONG trip that I have thought of). So, Ann made me to have to wake up early and leave early.

We left at 10:30am (desipte of I woke up @ 9:00), we went Carmel by the Sea. We went to a corn maze... an easy one; then we had lunch at a French Restraunt @ Carmel by the sea. Finally, we were ready for 17 miles drive... we ended up only have a couple hr for the drive. We rushed through many interest points.

Dinner @ Ann's was fun. We girls had hand rolls. We talked from 9:30-11:00ish at Ms. Su's office. It's very relaxing yet tiring.


I didn't just waste my Wed doing local stuff, since it's ONLY Wed. I decided that I would go Santa Rosa, and visit the Sarfari. I called the first thing after I woke up. I causally suggested if I can join the 4:00pm trip. Interestingly, that's the better tour hour for them. So I signed that up.

I first hit the Vally Fair to try to return a bag that I bought a ling time ago. However, since I didn't have the receipt, so I can't even get the store credit. That's 11:30am already. And, I was ready to leave HOME area and head to Santa Rosa.

My first stop in Santa Rosa was Snoopy Museum. I like the museum... however, I felt I might need more time there to finish reading all the comic strips. After the museum, it's 3:30p, I need to hurry myself to the sarfari...

The sarfari was fun. I saw lots of "wild" animals especailly girraffs which I got a close look of them. I left around 645pm and arrive Cupertino at 830pm. I missed the prayer meeting b/c I was so hungry... I only had corn chips whole day... a big bag, but really hungry for other type of food.


Thursday / today was a melo day... I wanted it to be this way.... I only went to do a oil change.. and shopped at drug stores... @ night, I went for dinner. I love meeting with friends... :)

ONE last day before the week to end. I have to say, that I kinda become too relaxed... I didn't know what day of the week it was a couple times.... :-p I felt I am stil 90% done from my original plan - I wanted to clean my room more...

Sigh.. weekend is here... busy weekend means .... I should get ready to the work mode.

I have not yet missed AOL (come on, it's hard to be.. since it's a week off.. it's like a vacation). However, I know I will... badly, next week.

Sign Off AOL.


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