Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 1, 2, 3

Day 1 and 2
I am now officially working for Gaia.

Yesterday, my first day at work, I spent whole day playing!!! How cool is that for the first day experience!! You can't trump that! I dressed up my avatar, polished my profile, and I played the Beta zOMG (which I ended up playing 2 more hours after work). I read a few manga to learn about Gambino.... yea, totally a fresh new user.

Walked around the office yesterday meeting other Gaians. They are super cool... but of course, inside of me, I secretly admire all the artists... OMG, they are super talented. I am fascinated by their skills! Hmm, I wonder if they can draw the cartoon-ized me.

On the 2nd day, I tried to browse / play some more! Instead of finish reading the manga, I started the mini-comic strips... haha, they are funny... my favorite one is "The Spartan Effect" with the disclaimer that I only went through 10~15 of them.

I was a bit anti-social yesterday ... yea, she was shy on her first day. But, it's the 2nd day, she better be active and start to make some friends. Hmmm... seems like there is no way to add friend via user ID? I had trouble adding. After bumping around, finally, I decided to ask for help. O duh, there are buttons at the bottom of the friends list!!!! Dude, can't find any easier way to add friends!

Buttons above or buttons below? One is against the natural flow, and one has the potential to go below the fold... Oops, can't help not to think like an experience designer.

Anyway, ME: " YES!! I have friends on Gaia now. "

Day 3
Done done done done done icon_smile.gif
I just completed my 3rd day at Gaia.

Today I did work haha... actually just work related meeting. I love working haha.
Other than meeting, I have done more exploration within Gaia. I actually went into Town to get pick up some trash and did some trick-or-treat (or i just took jelly beans out of their pumpkin mail box). It's fun haha, going around to collect jelly beans.

And, I changed my avatar again~ I went into shops to buy outfit. I bought a silly sumo suit and a snowman suit! I guess I like to pretend things. I don't like them look on me but I don't have enough golds to make my character interesting... dang... I also tried to sell something to exchange for gold. But things that rookies own... sigh~

Ok... that's my day 3 at Gaia....

Most memorable parts (other than team lunch at Chili's) are the meeting! Can't wait to fully launch into my mission!


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