Monday, December 08, 2008


Ah, how timely! Over two years after the USB-powered G-Gloves hit the scenes, in comes Thanko to bring a much needed new face to the niche. These Kumasan mittens both get powered from a single USB port and even have cutouts to allow your fingers to move freely. There's no mention of a price nor any indication that these will ever be released outside of Japan, but this is definitely a must-buy if you're headed to that side of the globe anytime soon.

My IM dialog with a friend... discussing over this product:

"best thing... best UX thing about it is that it's the glove that cut half way - so you can still feel the keyboard. It's powered by USB, so heat will be generated."

I think they should start invent things NOT from USB. But use the FAN to generate some power
everything is from USB... that's so OLD~ my laptop is hot most of the time. they should use the heat to warm my hands or to convert it into the power to drive some other accessories."

"u hear that HERE first! Anyone who come up products like that... they COPIED me."


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