Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Laid Off

I have been shelled from economic downfall...
I have been living inside of my bubble for awhile...
till yesterday we went into the "conference room."

I wasn't surprised what I have heard a few sec after I got into the room... just said, my 6th sense was pretty sharp. Still, I was a bit interested how it would be carried out.
No biggie, laid off. I didn't even need a box but I got a free USB. Company actually handled it quite nicely. Everyone got a day off.

It's a sad day for many people. I heard people crying.
Thank God I was on the better side.
Thank God for the provision in the past year.
So now, when "the small bump" comes, I can still be the same old me.
But I know, it's a long way to go... I hope it's not that long... but if it is, O My God, I better hold on to You tight... I am not good @ waiting.

More to be shared in the upcoming days... b/c I think this was not a surprise. God was prepping me before I left AOL. I am grateful for friends around me. Even though I am a tough cookie, you guys made this so much better... warmer on the coldest day of this winter so far.

I downloaded Photoshop CS4
I learned a few more trick using Photoshops
- add a boarder
- rotate a layer (it's not as easy as illustrator)

I had MacD for lunch. Meant to use it to have some time alone and to clear my head... but drink sucks, fries ok, nuggets alright - and I left in 20 minutes. I guess MacD is still my comforter food. I think I am going to mature into a cup of warm drink soon. I guess I did learn something in the past two months... not sure it's good haha.


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