Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 4 @ Beijing

I feel much better today. I woke up at 7:30am. I chat with Rose 20 sec after I woke up... I miss Rose, and ping pong! Breakfast and went to work by myself ... that's new for this trip :)

OK.. if you follow my blog and read it faithfully, you will know what I was doing today! I blogged while working on my wireframe today! I also met with Jeff for their Mobile product - proud of myself.. i scheduled it myself (ok, reschedule it), and I went to the meeting by myself. Good Job!

Lunch time, we went to eat 貴州菜 because Violet was craving for fish ever since she got here. We went to the one that's behind Google.. yes, I am living, breathing, and working (next) to Google everyday!! From my room, I can see Google day and night!

Don't know what's for tonight yet... but I want another 糖葫蘆 (which I ended up not getting it)!!

For tomorrow, I am planning to have a meeting to present process, and a trip to 清華大學 maybe 圓明園? I know/think both of these are really closed to the office! I should also ask if anyone wants to go Great Wall together... ! I really want to go these places to check it out!

Dinner time, we went to 鷺鷺餐廳. It's 上海菜. Render treated us one more time before he went back to US. Out of all the dishes, I love 獅子頭 and 豆干結 the most. Super full!


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