Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Elevator Ride

... is interesting here in Beijing.

I don't like it though.. because its such a pain.
I can never time myself correctly b/c elevator arrives in between of 20 sec ~ 3 min; and the ride can be from 20 sec ~ 1.5 min. Maybe because I am not in a rush, I found myself enjoying watching people during my elevator rides.

It's interesting to see people waiting for elevator in the office building. They came in bunch... sometimes they chat with each other, sometimes it's just quiet. Since it's in China, since it's in office building... there is no line. People are just rushing in and out of the elevator. They came in quickly, push a button (or yell out a number), then stood orderly.

Maybe the elevator is so hard to get... people don't care how "pack" the elevator is, they will try to fit in until it's full full. Me being an American had to constantly put arms around my chest to create a space for myself. I tried to hold my breath sometimes so I don't have to breath in or breath at people in front of me.

Interestingly, people when they reached to their floor, instead of saying excuse me to get out... they yell out their number of the floor to get out... "20" then people would get out of their way.

Morning time... the elevator is very slow... it probably stop every other floor if it's not every floor. It's a little better in the afternoon, because people all head to one place...! Another thing I have noticed is.... people come and leave very ON TIME :)... Sigh, people rush in and out of office... life~!

Since the elevator is in the middle of the building, there is no stair immediately next to it... so, once you entered elevator space, you HAVE to take it... man... I miss stair now.. and I am definitely miss Mt. View's 3 floor building.


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