Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here I come, China!

OK... after two weeks of talking back and forth, mostly about my work schedule, I was finally heading to China.

Recap for the past few days prior my departure of US: I got my visa on Tuesday (the day I came back from Miami); work a ton on Wed to get my design ready, went to the Prayer Meeting (o yea, I need prayers); and planned a major UI Review on Thursday, celebrated Tim's Birthday @ SF; work some on Friday and went to Chiropractor, then went to Fellowship. I got home almost 11pm and still hadn't packed. This is a new record - 12 hrs before the flight (10 hr before heading to airport)!

Clement and Winnie gave me and Tom a ride. Both of us are heading to China... me to Beijing, he to 上海. I am actually looking forward to my ride a little bit. Why? I am FLYING IN CLASS - business class :).

Since I got to the airport barely on time. I quickly went through the Security and went straight to the Lounge! It's quite an experience! Inside of the lounge, you see tons of people resting on sofa. They are either reading, chatting, or on computers. As a nerdy peasant, I was surprised to see so many OUTLET. Each person had one by their sofa! Sigh, these rich people will never know how precious those outlets are outside the lounge.

I went a little deeper and I found food... Quickly, the hungry peasant grabbed cookie and yogurt. Being a nice sister, I also grabbed some for my fellow peasant... Tom. Before I head out to the lounge, I went touring inside the lounge, I saw DESKS!!! OMG, it's like a Library. Of course, each desk had its own plugs.... There was a business center next to the desk areas. People can print stuff or make copies for free.

Wait... my boarding time is only 10 min away! Dang, time flies by when you enjoy the most!

I quickly came out of the lounge, I gave Tom a call so I can gave him pocketful of cookie, muffin, and yogurt. He was still at security because he forgot to get a boarding pass when we came in. OMG, announcer are calling for my flight... I am supposed to be among the First Class, 1K people to get on board without waiting in line!!! But, I was waiting patiently for Tom~ :(

OK.. after I handed off pocketful of stuff... BUSINESS CLASS HERE I COME!

It's not as dramatic... stews didn't already know my name. She has to looked on her piece of cheat sheet. And, I had to wait for my first drink! But, before we took off, I got a champagne. Stew came over to take order after we took off. She also brought nuts and drinks ;)

It only took us 1.5hr to complete the whole eating process... from nuts and drink, to appetizer, to main course, to dessert... they came SEPARATELY!!! I had a champagne, white dinning wine, and a sip of red dessert wine... omg, i was ready to sleep!

OK... the rest of the flight was filled with DS (I used up all the power... and cannot be recharaged here in China); watching Taiwanese soap opera; got up a zillion time and stretch at my seat (b/c I have too much leg room); watched enchanted 1.5 times, and watched August Rush .5 x2 time, and a weird movie. OK... time didn't fly by that fast but I managed to stay engaged.

I landed in China 2:45pm local time (april 20).... ready for my challenge... get picked up by a person who I have never met, who doesn't have my cell phone, and I don't have his cell phone. Here I come, China.


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