Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recap: Day 1 @ Beijing

I arrived Beijing Capital Airport Terminal 3... which just launched 2 weeks prior. Even the stews didn't know what to expect. They told us to take this little train after clear custom, and head to Concourse D for luggage.

The terminal is super clean and modern. I can smell the new building (just like the new car smell). Quickly, I found out... man... Chinese people don't like AC. Last year, very similar to last time I was here a year ago. Gosh, a bit hot. I was really grateful still because I heard the week before it was in 80s... can't imagine that without AC.

After I got off the plane, I went straight to custom. Then heading to the train for my luggage. The stew told us, concourse D is 2 stops away from where we were. So I was counting.... We approached a building, the train slowed down but it never stopped. Err... does that count as one stop? I quickly switch to the mode of New Yorker, I looked up to try to find a map... I found an interesting map... it has only 3 points:

T3-B ---- T3-C ---- T3-D

I tried to find T3-C while the train passing by the first building... Err, no sign of that! Hmm, does that count toward one stop?

As me wondering, the train moved out the building and went into another one... announcement over the air spoke in two languages... basically they meant - get out the train, this is the LAST STOP. No indicator of where we are... GREAT... I am lost in the airport despite of knowing both languages!

After I exit the train, I tried to find my way to another train or luggage, I found luggage and I headed toward it... luckily, it's the RIGHT Stop!

Despite of my "class," the luggage came slow. After I got it, again, I was lost and didn't know where to go... I was calm.. and burdened with my luggages.. I walked back and forth to try to find a way out :(

OK, it's not too bad.. I was out of it 5 min later. I found the way to the rest of the Beijing! As soon as the door opens (I was into the real Beijing), O MY LORD, TONS of people are trying to pick up somebody. You think "signs" would help to identify you to the person you are trying to pick up? Try to come from the INSIDE!!! There are probably 30~50 signs... picking up mr/ms whoever... (one was from Google, wondering what he is doing here haha)...

OK.. after I went through the great wall of people... I didn't see my name tag.. ok.. I am screwed. I have now to try to find a starbucks and hoping he is going to be there to pick me up. Unfortunately, I decided to turn right after I came out of the great wall of people.... I didn't see a Starbucks.. so I decided to go Left now...

NOT FUNNY.. because it's SO not easy.

The great wall of people formed a line from the gate to the back wall... it just snacked around. They blocked the EAST & WEST way :( I had to try to go through that... while fighting the road with a lady who tried to push a cart filled with flower soil / water.

OK.. I got to the other side.. and found the starbucks... err.. no one is there waiting for me either. I tried to pull out my contact sheet to try to find Render.... 10 min later... I am holding that piece of paper.. trying to use a phone that's for handicap (b/c a lady kicked me out of the one that I was using b/c she is in a hurry. what!)

As I was joggling things around, I saw a man walking toward starbucks, with an AOL sign (black and white)... MAN.. I LOVE AOL!!!

After half hours fighting with the traffic, I was finally at the hotel. NERDY ME, took out my laptop to try to get online!! Dang.. issue... I picked up my phone and call the front desk which they sent someone to come and fix it.

I also gave Render a call.. and set 7:30pm as dinner time...
I went straight to bed for a nap... OMG, Bed is soooo nice!

We went to a restaurant that's not too far away from hotel. It's Japanese / Korean food. I met a few editors from Taiwan (yes, I ended up hanging out with them in the past few days). The food was OK... b/c I started to feel sicker and sicker :(

I went straight to bed after shower. Night Night Beijing!


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