Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Recap: Day 2 @ Beijing

OK... all of the recap post are too long.. I will try to make it shorter this time.

Monday April 21, 2008
Because of jet lag, I woke up at 6ish. I went to restaurants in the hotel to check out breakfast. I went to 2nd and 19th floor... 2nd > 19th. I was very hungry at the time; but I decided to wait for the rest of the people. So I went back to bed to "kill some time." I slept till 8:00am and "Breakfast, here I come!"

After breakfast, we walked toward the China Office. My first major shock was outside of the elevator. It's a 28 stories building... OMG, there were probably 30~40 people waiting there. It totally reminds me Manhattan. It turns out to be one of my most frustrating activities while here in Beijing (another one is getting a taxi). I really don't like to wait for elevator or the elevator rides! I really miss Mt. View, badly! Anyway, Render took me around on 26th and 27th floor to meet some key people. It was still very early, not many people are in the office... ha, just like in Mt. View.

The office looks very nice. Very New! Lots of sunlight. Interestingly, even though we were on 26th floor, we got nature air from the windows~ Rarely happen in U.S. where is air-conditioned everywhere we go. But, there are downsides too: I can hear the car honking at each other all day long! My seat, sigh, is next to the restroom... I jokingly say that I should have start selling tissue to whoever goes to restroom (it's very common in Taiwan/China 20 years ago).

Food in Beijing
Well, since I am in Asia (Taiwan / China), food is one of the major things to be "documented." Lunch time, I went to 尚村 with Render, Violet, and Taiwanese editors. No pictures, but the food were super yummy. I like the soup especially. Dinner time, we ate at the SPA place (東方大班) :-p. We ghetto-ly ate a tons including 4 cups of pear juice. I should have asked them the name of the place. So I can go again... and go the DVD store next to it.

It's my first time to do a foot massage. It's very ticklish, but it's comfortable. I got super tired throughout... might be me being sick too. Anyway.. throughout the massage, I was so ready to just head back to hotel and sleep!

O, that night, I also realized that I wasn't having an allergy attack. Instead, I was sick, for real. At the Spa, my nose was all stuffed up... man.. sucks! No wonder that I didn't enjoy it as I should have!


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