Monday, April 14, 2008

Recap: Day 1 @ Summit: Seeing is .... attempting

One of the my memorable IA Summit presentation was Long Wow by Brandon Schauer from Adaptive Path. The content of his talk is definitely not revolutionary. In fact, I will be able to say the same thing ... not as nicely, not as logically, and not as well presented.... but, the talk was awesome... I am really inspired by his talk: build consumer loyalty by design with quality; and design with users' goals in mind.

He gave a few presentation, but the most inspiring one was Nike+'s ipod and running shoes integration. More than that, users' runner blog, and ways for them to socially share their running experience... that to me is SUPER! Nike successfully INCREASES its breadth of users just by gracefully integrated with the HOTtest product of the past few years!

Seeing is attempting...

After Brandon's talk... I really wanted Nike+.. the speedometer (ipod and running shoes combo). Also, his book, subject to change!


Anonymous said...

Jackie... you are such a smart gal. You should be proud of yourself :)

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