Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello Miami

I am now at Miami attending IA Summit which started today (workshops) and will last till Monday. I spent most of the today on the road: arrived at airport 9:00am PST, and flew in 8pm EST in the evening. Even though now is almost 1am, I am still up and awake. This is not so bad b/c I can write BLOG; I will know better how this affect me tomorrow!

Typically I don't like to be on the road however today is great!

I have been very stressed out (ok, busy'ed out) by work/life. I don't have much down time PERIOD: me wake up, go work, home, work, shower, sleep, then repeat. I woke up earlier than before in attempting to get more. And I stay at work later, and and bring work home to try to finish them. Despite of my "trying," I still missed my deadline. I have to do things on "last in first out" basis... Never in my life that I have to pack the last min before travel, this time I was still packing at 11pm.

Anyway.. done complaining....

So today I got to airport 9am... very tired! I didn't really want to pull out laptop to start working. Instead, I played a little DS, and went to have a Udon for breakfast. I also bought a bag of chips for on the road (proofed I should buy MORE). And as soon as I got on the flight, I was in ready position to sleep. I woke up in between, I ate my chips and watched some movie (too lazy to get ear buds out). Played some DS, went back to sleep. I woke up, and ate my chocolate chips (breakfast from yesterday), and played some DS and went back to sleep. Woke up drinking juice, and ready to land.

Yes, this is how I spent today... eat, sleep, wake up, eat... repeats.. and DS in between! I was totally relaxed. I felt all the "weight" that I lost (ok, it's only 2 pounds) due to no time for food, and the sleep that I have missed, and the downtime that I didn't have ... I got them all today ON the flight. Instead of feeling tire.. I was totally refreshed on my way off the flight!

PRAISE GOD for this travel day.

(O... wait until I get chance to trash talk about the hotel I stay in... I almost have back to back changing room... :-p)


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