Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hotel Miami

I was in room 613. As soon as I walked into the room.... it smells funny. I like the room setting even though I found it weird when I first walked in. It has a 3 feet hall way lead to a closet and a bathroom. On the other side of the wall, it's the king size bed, side way. There are 4 big windows which led to... bad views. Hmm... strangely, there is a metal ticking sound from the air condition. I first found it OK because it was pretty early in the evening. I was more occupied to get online and figure out what to have for dinner.

I went to dinner at a bar with Steve, who ate already. We talked about .. work. He also told me about the workshop that he went to - design pattern. It's quite interesting. I am looking forward to learn more from him.

As we went up to the room, as we about to say bye, Steve asked me what's the room number I got. I said 613.... He told me that he stayed in that room last night. The metal ticking sound bothered him.... HMM.. I went down to the lobby again to change a room.

I went from the old room (packed my thing) and moved to the new room. As soon as I came approach the hallway... OMG, it's even worse. This time, it's the ice machine... It's like someone is blowing drying their hair next to your ear loud. I called immediately, the guy at the desk that it will be turned off in a few min. I looked at the clock, I figure, it's a few min short from 11:30.. I figure, that might be a good time to TURN it off... But, I waited till 12:05, it's still ON... I called again. This time, I went more aggressive... i offered to turn it off myself, if I am allowed. He said he would send someone to do it. 5 min later, I heard someone in the hallway, two second later, it's OFF.

OMG, I thought it's a 5 stars hotel... it took me so many try to get it right.. and the wireless is not free.. sucker... I actually have to write my blog in text editor to save company 12.99. MAN!


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