Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Laid Off

I have been shelled from economic downfall...
I have been living inside of my bubble for awhile...
till yesterday we went into the "conference room."

I wasn't surprised what I have heard a few sec after I got into the room... just said, my 6th sense was pretty sharp. Still, I was a bit interested how it would be carried out.
No biggie, laid off. I didn't even need a box but I got a free USB. Company actually handled it quite nicely. Everyone got a day off.

It's a sad day for many people. I heard people crying.
Thank God I was on the better side.
Thank God for the provision in the past year.
So now, when "the small bump" comes, I can still be the same old me.
But I know, it's a long way to go... I hope it's not that long... but if it is, O My God, I better hold on to You tight... I am not good @ waiting.

More to be shared in the upcoming days... b/c I think this was not a surprise. God was prepping me before I left AOL. I am grateful for friends around me. Even though I am a tough cookie, you guys made this so much better... warmer on the coldest day of this winter so far.

I downloaded Photoshop CS4
I learned a few more trick using Photoshops
- add a boarder
- rotate a layer (it's not as easy as illustrator)

I had MacD for lunch. Meant to use it to have some time alone and to clear my head... but drink sucks, fries ok, nuggets alright - and I left in 20 minutes. I guess MacD is still my comforter food. I think I am going to mature into a cup of warm drink soon. I guess I did learn something in the past two months... not sure it's good haha.

Monday, December 08, 2008


Ah, how timely! Over two years after the USB-powered G-Gloves hit the scenes, in comes Thanko to bring a much needed new face to the niche. These Kumasan mittens both get powered from a single USB port and even have cutouts to allow your fingers to move freely. There's no mention of a price nor any indication that these will ever be released outside of Japan, but this is definitely a must-buy if you're headed to that side of the globe anytime soon.

My IM dialog with a friend... discussing over this product:

"best thing... best UX thing about it is that it's the glove that cut half way - so you can still feel the keyboard. It's powered by USB, so heat will be generated."

I think they should start invent things NOT from USB. But use the FAN to generate some power
everything is from USB... that's so OLD~ my laptop is hot most of the time. they should use the heat to warm my hands or to convert it into the power to drive some other accessories."

"u hear that HERE first! Anyone who come up products like that... they COPIED me."

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

God is amazin creator


Monday, November 17, 2008

Biking glasses

it's just a concept submitted to Nike. But, I believe, we are going to see it soon ;) My eyesight is about -350 with -250 astigmatism. :-p So, prescription it?

Biking glasses

it's just a concept submitted to Nike. But, I believe, we are going to see it soon ;) My eyesight is about -350 with -250 astigmatism. :-p So, prescription it?

small projector

I always imagine there is a projector can easily project and share what I am watching on my small media player (like my ipod video again) to a wall (or the back of seat). Ideally, 2 devices are the similar size. I think that's a quick way to show and tell (and share).

small projector

I always imagine there is a projector can easily project and share what I am watching on my small media player (like my ipod video again) to a wall (or the back of seat). Ideally, 2 devices are the similar size. I think that's a quick way to show and tell (and share).

Flip Camcorder Goes High-Def

It's cool about the instant play back idea
but it will be even better if it's a media player (so I can USB stuff to Flip and then play back)...
of course, the screen has to be a bit bigger. Maybe as big as my iPod Video (speaking of that, iPod sucks for that reason... it's so limited with media types!! I dislike conversion... what a time wasted).

electronic instrument

I don't know what' the power behind this digitized instrument yet. And, I am not sure if the sound any close to the real instrument.... I guess I missed "watching" myself playing Oboe.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Proposition 8 - made simple







Day 1, 2, 3

Day 1 and 2
I am now officially working for Gaia.

Yesterday, my first day at work, I spent whole day playing!!! How cool is that for the first day experience!! You can't trump that! I dressed up my avatar, polished my profile, and I played the Beta zOMG (which I ended up playing 2 more hours after work). I read a few manga to learn about Gambino.... yea, totally a fresh new user.

Walked around the office yesterday meeting other Gaians. They are super cool... but of course, inside of me, I secretly admire all the artists... OMG, they are super talented. I am fascinated by their skills! Hmm, I wonder if they can draw the cartoon-ized me.

On the 2nd day, I tried to browse / play some more! Instead of finish reading the manga, I started the mini-comic strips... haha, they are funny... my favorite one is "The Spartan Effect" with the disclaimer that I only went through 10~15 of them.

I was a bit anti-social yesterday ... yea, she was shy on her first day. But, it's the 2nd day, she better be active and start to make some friends. Hmmm... seems like there is no way to add friend via user ID? I had trouble adding. After bumping around, finally, I decided to ask for help. O duh, there are buttons at the bottom of the friends list!!!! Dude, can't find any easier way to add friends!

Buttons above or buttons below? One is against the natural flow, and one has the potential to go below the fold... Oops, can't help not to think like an experience designer.

Anyway, ME: " YES!! I have friends on Gaia now. "

Day 3
Done done done done done icon_smile.gif
I just completed my 3rd day at Gaia.

Today I did work haha... actually just work related meeting. I love working haha.
Other than meeting, I have done more exploration within Gaia. I actually went into Town to get pick up some trash and did some trick-or-treat (or i just took jelly beans out of their pumpkin mail box). It's fun haha, going around to collect jelly beans.

And, I changed my avatar again~ I went into shops to buy outfit. I bought a silly sumo suit and a snowman suit! I guess I like to pretend things. I don't like them look on me but I don't have enough golds to make my character interesting... dang... I also tried to sell something to exchange for gold. But things that rookies own... sigh~

Ok... that's my day 3 at Gaia....

Most memorable parts (other than team lunch at Chili's) are the meeting! Can't wait to fully launch into my mission!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Unexpected day offs

I am "in between" jobs: I signed off AOL last Friday, and I start my next job next Monday. And this week, I took time off for some dusting. Also, I piled lots of things - *house works*, *errands* - that I need to take care which I didn't have time for those...

so this week, it's the combination and the mix of all of the above.

Despite of how dislike I am to plan for a trip, I really enjoy taking a trip. Especially last time after I came back from San Diego, I felt I was totally relaxed and relieved. Originally, I wanted to take the time to visit Taiwan (and maybe to go to Japan); however, I didn't want to start the new job feeling jetlag. So I changed my destination to Chicago, then Seattle b/c of the air tickets. However, before the week started, I only wanted to make short trips, maybe just a trip to Vally Fair.

On Friday, I came home early after lunch with the UI team. I got home at 2:00pm and went for a big nap. After I woke up from my nap, I went biking to the bank. Even though it was only less than 1 mile, I felt so refreshed and accomplished.


On Sat, since my water treading class was cancelled, I went to Great Mall with Ivy and Janice. They have things for themselves, so I actually went shopping alone. I went to Old Navy and H&M and bought $100 worth of clothes. At that time, I felt I have accomplished 80% of my plan even before the week has started.

Sat night I cleaned my room and packed some clothes for storage. I decided to join Ivy to go to Clement & Winnie's house for a sleep over. This way we can wake up later on Sunday morning and still make Sunday worship practice. Dang, that's 90% of my plan for the week.


Sunday was a busy day as usual. I didn't sense the "joy" of upcoming day off on the Monday. I just know, I better do something to make my week interesting.

Ann and I were talking about to have a bike trip on Los Alto trail. I felt, that might be a good way to start the week. And Sunday night, she found out we can actually go bandmington at the community center close to her house. I felt that's a perfect plan. So I decided to devote my Monday to "relax style."

We met at 12:00pm after my struggle of setting up bike rack & filling water pack. Finally, we were ready to hit the road. We played bandmington till 2:00pm, then we head to the mexican place next to TGI Sushi. It's soooooooooooo yummy. Biking trip was fun also. Even though I felt it's a bit challenged; and I was actually tired before we got home. I felt really accomplished.


Tuesday, Ann and I were going to have a dinner with bunch girls. However, I wanted to go far... I wanted to go 17 miles drive (which was my only LONG trip that I have thought of). So, Ann made me to have to wake up early and leave early.

We left at 10:30am (desipte of I woke up @ 9:00), we went Carmel by the Sea. We went to a corn maze... an easy one; then we had lunch at a French Restraunt @ Carmel by the sea. Finally, we were ready for 17 miles drive... we ended up only have a couple hr for the drive. We rushed through many interest points.

Dinner @ Ann's was fun. We girls had hand rolls. We talked from 9:30-11:00ish at Ms. Su's office. It's very relaxing yet tiring.


I didn't just waste my Wed doing local stuff, since it's ONLY Wed. I decided that I would go Santa Rosa, and visit the Sarfari. I called the first thing after I woke up. I causally suggested if I can join the 4:00pm trip. Interestingly, that's the better tour hour for them. So I signed that up.

I first hit the Vally Fair to try to return a bag that I bought a ling time ago. However, since I didn't have the receipt, so I can't even get the store credit. That's 11:30am already. And, I was ready to leave HOME area and head to Santa Rosa.

My first stop in Santa Rosa was Snoopy Museum. I like the museum... however, I felt I might need more time there to finish reading all the comic strips. After the museum, it's 3:30p, I need to hurry myself to the sarfari...

The sarfari was fun. I saw lots of "wild" animals especailly girraffs which I got a close look of them. I left around 645pm and arrive Cupertino at 830pm. I missed the prayer meeting b/c I was so hungry... I only had corn chips whole day... a big bag, but really hungry for other type of food.


Thursday / today was a melo day... I wanted it to be this way.... I only went to do a oil change.. and shopped at drug stores... @ night, I went for dinner. I love meeting with friends... :)

ONE last day before the week to end. I have to say, that I kinda become too relaxed... I didn't know what day of the week it was a couple times.... :-p I felt I am stil 90% done from my original plan - I wanted to clean my room more...

Sigh.. weekend is here... busy weekend means .... I should get ready to the work mode.

I have not yet missed AOL (come on, it's hard to be.. since it's a week off.. it's like a vacation). However, I know I will... badly, next week.

Sign Off AOL.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

人生 水過無痕
記憶 滴水石穿

Friday, October 03, 2008

黃舒俊 戀愛症候群

超老的歌 但今天聽到還是覺得很有意思


作詞:黃舒駿 作曲:黃舒駿


關於戀愛症候群的發生原因 至今仍然是最大的一個謎
有些專家學者研究後相信 戀愛是內分泌失調所引起
不管你同不同意 自古到今許多例子證明
戀愛不但是一種病態 它還可能是一種變態

洗澡洗得特別乾淨 刷牙刷得特別用力 半夜突然爬起來彈鋼琴
有人每天站在陽臺對路人傻笑 有人突然瘋瘋癲癲 突然很安靜
有人一臉癡呆對著鏡子咬著指甲打噴嚏 有人對小狗罵三字經
女人突然改變髮型 男人開始每天練著啞鈴

隨著病情越來越變本加厲 人會變得格外敏感勇敢和噁心
寫的說的唱的都像天才詩人一般才華洋溢 愈肉麻愈覺得有趣
有人戀愛之後每天躲在廁所哭泣 有人開記者會宣佈戀愛的消息
有人總是喜歡兩個人躲在黑漆漆的地方 像做了不可告人的事情
每天忙著找人算命 挖空心思改變自己 配合對方的習性
把每天都當作紀念日 把自己當作紀念品
每天漫無目的膩在一起 言不及意也覺得好有趣
走著坐著躺著趴著都形影不離 像是兩人三腳又像連體嬰
心裡想的只有愛你愛你愛你愛你 也不管家裡米缸有沒有米
也不管路上有人示威抗議 只管愛你
心裡想的只有愛你愛你愛你愛你 也不管海峽兩岸統一問題
也不管衣索比亞多少難民 只管愛你

經過一段轟轟烈烈熱戀時期 不久就會開始漸漸痊癒
兩人開始互相厭倦 互相攻擊對方缺點 所有甜蜜都隨風而去
然後開始從錯覺和誤解中清醒 驚訝自己為何如此不聰明
為了愛情不管一切 不顧父母朋友姐妹兄弟 開始感到後悔不已
然後是精神不濟瞳孔放大脾氣暴燥四肢麻痺 終於受不了要分離

雖然結果頗令人傷心 瞭解之後也沒什麼了不起
愛情終究是握不住的雲 只是我想要告訴你

在我落寞的歲月裡 妳的溫柔解脫我的孤寂
帶給我深深的狂喜 如此顫動著我的心靈
輕輕訴說愛你愛你愛你愛你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是夢中或是清醒 深深愛你
我要對你說愛你愛你愛你愛你 不管是黑夜或是黎明
不管是夢中或是清醒 深深愛你

多麼幸福 讓我遇見你 嗚..........................


Monday, September 15, 2008












Saturday, August 30, 2008

大陸尋奇 & 公道杯

星期六傍晚 這裡的中文台就會撥大陸尋奇

每一次看到同樣的主播 聽到同樣的音樂
痾~~~ 其實是我在看 外公在睡~~~
當然也沒有轉台的餘地 :-p

ANYWAY.... 大陸尋奇是一個很好 background TV

今天 節目中講到新疆的制酒文化

公道杯清代青花製品。杯中央立一老頭,人體內有一空心瓷管,管下通杯底的小孔;管的上口相當於老人胸前的黑痣高度。老頭體下與杯底連接處留有一孔,向杯內註 水時,若水位低於瓷管上口,水不會漏出;當水位超過瓷管上口,水即通過杯底的漏水孔漏光。這種漏水杯民間稱“公道杯”,系根據物理學上的虹吸原理製成。據 說古時人們曾用公道杯對付貪酒者,斟酒如超過高度,則會全部漏光


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mozilla Lab: Ubiquity

Totally cool

Ubiquity for Firefox from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

10 Tools for Evaluating Web Design Accessibility

1. Firefox Accessibility Extension

2. aDesigner

3. EvalAccess

4. WebAnywhere

5. Web Accessibility Inspector

6. Vischeck

7. Accessibility Color Wheel

8. Colour Contrast Analyser

9. TAW Web Accessibility Test

10. Web Accessibility Toolbar


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


How can you find your passion? Bill Zanker has these suggestions for you:

1. Don't think about how you can make money. Money is how you keep score. But if money is your only source of motivation, you will surely fail. Your competitors who are charged up with passion for the business will kick your butt.

2. Don't think about problems, obstacles or competition. When you're thinking about problems by definition your mind is not focused on your passion. Bill Zanker says, "Focus on passion, not problems."

3. Do think about something that excites you, something that you would do even if you weren't getting paid for it.

4. Can't think of anything? Then you've got to start dreaming of things you enjoy doing, people in business that you admire and want to be like. I could be that you are afraid to think of the thing you really want to do because you are afraid you don't have what it takes to do it. If their were no limitations, and you could do whatever you want to do, what would it be?

5. Find something useful to do for others. Think about what you can produce or what service you can offer that is valuable and useful to people and the community. What needs to be improved? What can be done better or more efficiently? What problem can you solve? What needs can you fill? And most importantly ask, Will you have fun doing it?


Saturday, August 16, 2008

畫卷徐展 原來是3D超大螢幕

【聯合報╱特派記者陳東旭、記者袁世珮/綜合報導】 讓人看得目眩神迷的奧運開幕式,其中牽涉無數技術細節與精密計算,一度傳出原有「鳳凰點聖火」的設計,因南韓偷拍臨時改變,但相關人員昨天提出解釋,技術問題難突破,只好放棄。




五環站立 四萬LED燈傑作



特殊畫紙 裝電池自動開合



巨球非球 鋼絲串起九鋼環


Friday, August 15, 2008

So what does the human dolphin listen to before winning Olympic gold medals and breaking world records?

According to the Today Show on 12 August, 2008:

What did I have on today? I think I had Lil Wayne, “I’m Me.” I
think I had that on there

Roger Catlin makes some inferences on 10 August 10, 2008:

Before his 400 meter individual medley in the 2004 Summer Olympics in
Athens, Michael Phelps was listening to Eminem’s “Till I Collapse” on
his ever-present iPod to help him focus. What’s he listening to as he wins gold in Beijing? Nobody has said for certain, but he has said in his own website that he was listening to Young Jeezy at the World Championships in Melbourne. If he was still listening to Young Jeezy in China, the applicable titles might have been:

* “The Inspiration (Follow Me)”
* “Soul Survivor”
* “Tear It Up”
* “Let’s Get It / Sky’s the Limit”
* “Get Ya Mind Right”
* “I Love It”
* “Go Getta”
* “Thug Motivation 101″
* “And Then What”

12/8 Terra weighs in on 8 August, 2008 with some selections from Phelps Hit List on Rhapsody which includes the following tracks:

1. Overnight Celebrity by Twista
2. Burn by Usher
3. Roses by Outkast
4. ‘Till I Collapse by Eminem
5. Smile by G Unit


Saturday, August 09, 2008

(news) 燦爛登場 體現中國4大發明

《北京奧運》燦爛登場 體現中國4大發明

更新日期:2008/08/09 08:34 【中國時報 陳志祥/北京報導】



 造紙印刷 傳遞漢字獨特之美






 千人打太極 天地萬物合為一


 而「夢想」更是北京奧運的主軸:「同一個世界、同一個夢想」的具體呈現,大會用一顆有人行走的大地球,再搭配動態影像與周邊的人頭像,最後是莎拉布曼與劉歡演唱「You & Me」的主題曲,意謂「你和我,我們是一家人;我和你,一起創造明天。」

 焰火燃放 壯麗熱鬧襯托盛況




Friday, August 08, 2008

I will watch Olympic this time.. and this is why...

Conversation occured 08/08/08 5:30 PST.

I am actually excited this time
I rarely am
and it's not because it's in China (Olympic)

then why?

I want to watch Ping Pong for sure
That's my sport for the past year
whole year

and tennis
which I went to watch last time it was in San Jose

and swimming
watching a tv show
that dude has really good body tone haha
all of a sudden, I kinda envision myself swimming
(which I need to learn to get better anyway)
so that's the sports

and baseball
b/c Taiwan is in there

and Tae Kwon Do
b/c taiwanese dude won GOLD last time... taiwan's first
and I love TKD you knew it

done.. that's my report of Olympic

Funny commercial:


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My Album cover idea for Address Book

I had this idea a while back. I designed it but no time and immediately technology available.
O well, at least it's still NOT BUILT.

Check out this person's post:

Monday, May 05, 2008

Hmmm :)

It's NOT BAD if I have to work at Google in Taiwan ;)
"Google 免費提供食物

Google台灣昨慶祝成立兩週年,對媒體公開位於101大樓73樓的新辦公室,享有「百步之內必有食 物」盛名的Google,台灣辦公室也提供免費食物。Google大中華區總裁李開復表示,Google政策是員工超過400人,才有專屬廚師為員工做 菜,Google台灣目前員工60人,仍提供大量免費食物慰勞員工,無怪乎有所謂的「Google 15」,意指平均每位員工進Google後,都胖了15磅。

打開Google台灣辦公室的雙門冰箱,珍珠奶、 鮮奶、布丁、優酪乳,會令女性尖叫的Haagen-Dazs冰淇淋,都可以隨便拿,上層一盒盒的外帶餐盒,仔細一看可是鼎泰豐小籠包,Google台灣工 程研究所長簡立峰說,「餓了,微波加熱就可以吃。」還有便利商店營業用的冰櫃,存放各式飲料,小型廚房旁邊就是餐廳,架上滿滿都是零食與礦泉水,吃飽喝 足,可以在73樓的高空美景襯托下打一場乒乓,或坐在太空艙型按摩椅上,徹底放鬆一下。"

But, I might have to hit the gym or Ping Pong table more often!

Friday, April 25, 2008



Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Elevator Ride

... is interesting here in Beijing.

I don't like it though.. because its such a pain.
I can never time myself correctly b/c elevator arrives in between of 20 sec ~ 3 min; and the ride can be from 20 sec ~ 1.5 min. Maybe because I am not in a rush, I found myself enjoying watching people during my elevator rides.

It's interesting to see people waiting for elevator in the office building. They came in bunch... sometimes they chat with each other, sometimes it's just quiet. Since it's in China, since it's in office building... there is no line. People are just rushing in and out of the elevator. They came in quickly, push a button (or yell out a number), then stood orderly.

Maybe the elevator is so hard to get... people don't care how "pack" the elevator is, they will try to fit in until it's full full. Me being an American had to constantly put arms around my chest to create a space for myself. I tried to hold my breath sometimes so I don't have to breath in or breath at people in front of me.

Interestingly, people when they reached to their floor, instead of saying excuse me to get out... they yell out their number of the floor to get out... "20" then people would get out of their way.

Morning time... the elevator is very slow... it probably stop every other floor if it's not every floor. It's a little better in the afternoon, because people all head to one place...! Another thing I have noticed is.... people come and leave very ON TIME :)... Sigh, people rush in and out of office... life~!

Since the elevator is in the middle of the building, there is no stair immediately next to it... so, once you entered elevator space, you HAVE to take it... man... I miss stair now.. and I am definitely miss Mt. View's 3 floor building.


Day 4 @ Beijing

I feel much better today. I woke up at 7:30am. I chat with Rose 20 sec after I woke up... I miss Rose, and ping pong! Breakfast and went to work by myself ... that's new for this trip :)

OK.. if you follow my blog and read it faithfully, you will know what I was doing today! I blogged while working on my wireframe today! I also met with Jeff for their Mobile product - proud of myself.. i scheduled it myself (ok, reschedule it), and I went to the meeting by myself. Good Job!

Lunch time, we went to eat 貴州菜 because Violet was craving for fish ever since she got here. We went to the one that's behind Google.. yes, I am living, breathing, and working (next) to Google everyday!! From my room, I can see Google day and night!

Don't know what's for tonight yet... but I want another 糖葫蘆 (which I ended up not getting it)!!

For tomorrow, I am planning to have a meeting to present process, and a trip to 清華大學 maybe 圓明園? I know/think both of these are really closed to the office! I should also ask if anyone wants to go Great Wall together... ! I really want to go these places to check it out!

Dinner time, we went to 鷺鷺餐廳. It's 上海菜. Render treated us one more time before he went back to US. Out of all the dishes, I love 獅子頭 and 豆干結 the most. Super full!

Recap Day 3 @ Beijing

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jet lag is a bit better.

Because of a NyQuil, I woke up early and felt hungry. I decided not to wait for anyone any more. I went to 2nd floor restaurant by myself... but I found Violet and Render. I got to eat do-hua.. YES! Even though they don't have the syrup, I was so happy when I got it :) I also had some soy milk.. it's very yummy. Other stuff are OK... I am still more of an american :p I had bacon and ham as my main dish!

I got to work at 9:10a. We were late for 10 min to our meeting: China Portal walk through. It's supposed to be a 3-hr meeting. But, we were only half way done at the 3hr mark! OMG, this is like UI / content / code Review. It's actually a good thing to do. Render sat down with the team and go page to page to review it. BUT, OMG, there are lots of pages / channels.

Food in Beijing
We went to a place like Yoshinoya for a quick lunch (yes, the meeting continued). My Beef Rice was ok, but the Taro Soy Milk was good! OK, my hope was in the Beijing Duck tonight.

At roughly 3:30pm, we are done with the meeting. My brain was toasted. I didn't want to do anything but sleep at that hour! I went online chat'd with Alex.. the only guy that's awake at the hr.... well, he went to bed not long after that.... So, I had to deal with the tireness and loneliness with .... UI work!!! At 5:10pm, Violet and I were ready to head out to shop for snack (for ourselves).

We went back to hotel to drop off the laptop. We went to Pharmercy to get DRUG first... o man, I was sooo happy when we got it... We then went to Watson, and then the Lotus Supermarket.... as soon as I got in, I saw 糖葫蘆!!!!! I wanted it since last time I was in Beijing.

Anyway, dinner time, we went to Made in China (長江一號)a restaurant inside of the 君悅 hotel. I really like the decoration of the place. They have open kitchens inside the place: each station cook different part of the meal.

Wine bottles at the entrance,

Tea pots follow,

Fruits and cake...

then cooking wares (oops, no photo). The food was good... but very little :(....

I took a night pill and then went to bed.. cough cough.. I was really tired today!

Recap: Day 2 @ Beijing

OK... all of the recap post are too long.. I will try to make it shorter this time.

Monday April 21, 2008
Because of jet lag, I woke up at 6ish. I went to restaurants in the hotel to check out breakfast. I went to 2nd and 19th floor... 2nd > 19th. I was very hungry at the time; but I decided to wait for the rest of the people. So I went back to bed to "kill some time." I slept till 8:00am and "Breakfast, here I come!"

After breakfast, we walked toward the China Office. My first major shock was outside of the elevator. It's a 28 stories building... OMG, there were probably 30~40 people waiting there. It totally reminds me Manhattan. It turns out to be one of my most frustrating activities while here in Beijing (another one is getting a taxi). I really don't like to wait for elevator or the elevator rides! I really miss Mt. View, badly! Anyway, Render took me around on 26th and 27th floor to meet some key people. It was still very early, not many people are in the office... ha, just like in Mt. View.

The office looks very nice. Very New! Lots of sunlight. Interestingly, even though we were on 26th floor, we got nature air from the windows~ Rarely happen in U.S. where is air-conditioned everywhere we go. But, there are downsides too: I can hear the car honking at each other all day long! My seat, sigh, is next to the restroom... I jokingly say that I should have start selling tissue to whoever goes to restroom (it's very common in Taiwan/China 20 years ago).

Food in Beijing
Well, since I am in Asia (Taiwan / China), food is one of the major things to be "documented." Lunch time, I went to 尚村 with Render, Violet, and Taiwanese editors. No pictures, but the food were super yummy. I like the soup especially. Dinner time, we ate at the SPA place (東方大班) :-p. We ghetto-ly ate a tons including 4 cups of pear juice. I should have asked them the name of the place. So I can go again... and go the DVD store next to it.

It's my first time to do a foot massage. It's very ticklish, but it's comfortable. I got super tired throughout... might be me being sick too. Anyway.. throughout the massage, I was so ready to just head back to hotel and sleep!

O, that night, I also realized that I wasn't having an allergy attack. Instead, I was sick, for real. At the Spa, my nose was all stuffed up... man.. sucks! No wonder that I didn't enjoy it as I should have!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Recap: Day 1 @ Beijing

I arrived Beijing Capital Airport Terminal 3... which just launched 2 weeks prior. Even the stews didn't know what to expect. They told us to take this little train after clear custom, and head to Concourse D for luggage.

The terminal is super clean and modern. I can smell the new building (just like the new car smell). Quickly, I found out... man... Chinese people don't like AC. Last year, very similar to last time I was here a year ago. Gosh, a bit hot. I was really grateful still because I heard the week before it was in 80s... can't imagine that without AC.

After I got off the plane, I went straight to custom. Then heading to the train for my luggage. The stew told us, concourse D is 2 stops away from where we were. So I was counting.... We approached a building, the train slowed down but it never stopped. Err... does that count as one stop? I quickly switch to the mode of New Yorker, I looked up to try to find a map... I found an interesting map... it has only 3 points:

T3-B ---- T3-C ---- T3-D

I tried to find T3-C while the train passing by the first building... Err, no sign of that! Hmm, does that count toward one stop?

As me wondering, the train moved out the building and went into another one... announcement over the air spoke in two languages... basically they meant - get out the train, this is the LAST STOP. No indicator of where we are... GREAT... I am lost in the airport despite of knowing both languages!

After I exit the train, I tried to find my way to another train or luggage, I found luggage and I headed toward it... luckily, it's the RIGHT Stop!

Despite of my "class," the luggage came slow. After I got it, again, I was lost and didn't know where to go... I was calm.. and burdened with my luggages.. I walked back and forth to try to find a way out :(

OK, it's not too bad.. I was out of it 5 min later. I found the way to the rest of the Beijing! As soon as the door opens (I was into the real Beijing), O MY LORD, TONS of people are trying to pick up somebody. You think "signs" would help to identify you to the person you are trying to pick up? Try to come from the INSIDE!!! There are probably 30~50 signs... picking up mr/ms whoever... (one was from Google, wondering what he is doing here haha)...

OK.. after I went through the great wall of people... I didn't see my name tag.. ok.. I am screwed. I have now to try to find a starbucks and hoping he is going to be there to pick me up. Unfortunately, I decided to turn right after I came out of the great wall of people.... I didn't see a Starbucks.. so I decided to go Left now...

NOT FUNNY.. because it's SO not easy.

The great wall of people formed a line from the gate to the back wall... it just snacked around. They blocked the EAST & WEST way :( I had to try to go through that... while fighting the road with a lady who tried to push a cart filled with flower soil / water.

OK.. I got to the other side.. and found the starbucks... err.. no one is there waiting for me either. I tried to pull out my contact sheet to try to find Render.... 10 min later... I am holding that piece of paper.. trying to use a phone that's for handicap (b/c a lady kicked me out of the one that I was using b/c she is in a hurry. what!)

As I was joggling things around, I saw a man walking toward starbucks, with an AOL sign (black and white)... MAN.. I LOVE AOL!!!

After half hours fighting with the traffic, I was finally at the hotel. NERDY ME, took out my laptop to try to get online!! Dang.. issue... I picked up my phone and call the front desk which they sent someone to come and fix it.

I also gave Render a call.. and set 7:30pm as dinner time...
I went straight to bed for a nap... OMG, Bed is soooo nice!

We went to a restaurant that's not too far away from hotel. It's Japanese / Korean food. I met a few editors from Taiwan (yes, I ended up hanging out with them in the past few days). The food was OK... b/c I started to feel sicker and sicker :(

I went straight to bed after shower. Night Night Beijing!

Here I come, China!

OK... after two weeks of talking back and forth, mostly about my work schedule, I was finally heading to China.

Recap for the past few days prior my departure of US: I got my visa on Tuesday (the day I came back from Miami); work a ton on Wed to get my design ready, went to the Prayer Meeting (o yea, I need prayers); and planned a major UI Review on Thursday, celebrated Tim's Birthday @ SF; work some on Friday and went to Chiropractor, then went to Fellowship. I got home almost 11pm and still hadn't packed. This is a new record - 12 hrs before the flight (10 hr before heading to airport)!

Clement and Winnie gave me and Tom a ride. Both of us are heading to China... me to Beijing, he to 上海. I am actually looking forward to my ride a little bit. Why? I am FLYING IN CLASS - business class :).

Since I got to the airport barely on time. I quickly went through the Security and went straight to the Lounge! It's quite an experience! Inside of the lounge, you see tons of people resting on sofa. They are either reading, chatting, or on computers. As a nerdy peasant, I was surprised to see so many OUTLET. Each person had one by their sofa! Sigh, these rich people will never know how precious those outlets are outside the lounge.

I went a little deeper and I found food... Quickly, the hungry peasant grabbed cookie and yogurt. Being a nice sister, I also grabbed some for my fellow peasant... Tom. Before I head out to the lounge, I went touring inside the lounge, I saw DESKS!!! OMG, it's like a Library. Of course, each desk had its own plugs.... There was a business center next to the desk areas. People can print stuff or make copies for free.

Wait... my boarding time is only 10 min away! Dang, time flies by when you enjoy the most!

I quickly came out of the lounge, I gave Tom a call so I can gave him pocketful of cookie, muffin, and yogurt. He was still at security because he forgot to get a boarding pass when we came in. OMG, announcer are calling for my flight... I am supposed to be among the First Class, 1K people to get on board without waiting in line!!! But, I was waiting patiently for Tom~ :(

OK.. after I handed off pocketful of stuff... BUSINESS CLASS HERE I COME!

It's not as dramatic... stews didn't already know my name. She has to looked on her piece of cheat sheet. And, I had to wait for my first drink! But, before we took off, I got a champagne. Stew came over to take order after we took off. She also brought nuts and drinks ;)

It only took us 1.5hr to complete the whole eating process... from nuts and drink, to appetizer, to main course, to dessert... they came SEPARATELY!!! I had a champagne, white dinning wine, and a sip of red dessert wine... omg, i was ready to sleep!

OK... the rest of the flight was filled with DS (I used up all the power... and cannot be recharaged here in China); watching Taiwanese soap opera; got up a zillion time and stretch at my seat (b/c I have too much leg room); watched enchanted 1.5 times, and watched August Rush .5 x2 time, and a weird movie. OK... time didn't fly by that fast but I managed to stay engaged.

I landed in China 2:45pm local time (april 20).... ready for my challenge... get picked up by a person who I have never met, who doesn't have my cell phone, and I don't have his cell phone. Here I come, China.

Recap: PostConference @ Miami

Hahahah... busy with travel schedule
Will blog soon about my (half) day just kicking back by the pool side

Recap: PostConference @ Miami

Hahahah... busy with travel schedule
Will blog soon about my (half) day just kicking back by the pool side

Recap: Day 3 @ summit (placeholder)

Hahahah... busy with travel schedule
Will blog soon... about Day 3 (last day at summit)

Recap: Day 3 @ summit (placeholder)

Hahahah... busy with travel schedule
Will blog soon... about Day 3 (last day at summit)

Recap: Day 2 @ summit (placeholder)

Hahahah... busy with travel schedule
Will blog soon... about Day 2

Recap: Day 2 @ summit (placeholder)

Hahahah... busy with travel schedule
Will blog soon... about Day 2

Monday, April 14, 2008

Recap: Day 1 @ Summit: Seeing is .... attempting

One of the my memorable IA Summit presentation was Long Wow by Brandon Schauer from Adaptive Path. The content of his talk is definitely not revolutionary. In fact, I will be able to say the same thing ... not as nicely, not as logically, and not as well presented.... but, the talk was awesome... I am really inspired by his talk: build consumer loyalty by design with quality; and design with users' goals in mind.

He gave a few presentation, but the most inspiring one was Nike+'s ipod and running shoes integration. More than that, users' runner blog, and ways for them to socially share their running experience... that to me is SUPER! Nike successfully INCREASES its breadth of users just by gracefully integrated with the HOTtest product of the past few years!

Seeing is attempting...

After Brandon's talk... I really wanted Nike+.. the speedometer (ipod and running shoes combo). Also, his book, subject to change!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

PreConference @ summit

OK... Day -1 at IA summit. I went to two workshops: Communication Design and Guerilla Persona. I went around to trade the trading cards. I met lots of people. Because of the trading card, I got to talk to more people than I have ever done. Also, we were forced / helped to know more people in class, more connections were formed because the "common ground."

Communication Design was a good class. It is totally something I am lacking - clear design of wireframe. We went through flowchart, wireframe, and then design critique. At the very beginning, I found the class might be too trivial because it's in between what I know and a little what I might not be clear. However, the class went a bit deeper (not much).

Some of the major steps of designing a flowchart are to have a purpose, target audiences, perspective, and the content (situation analysis, establish purpose, list of elements, priority elements, and identify key relationships). These concepts were not foreign to me however, I felt it's lacking from my process of designing a flowchart.

In term of presentation of documents: we talked about we should have: talk points (theme and context); questions (validation, clarifications, and resolutions); implications (functional and organizational).

Despite how much I don't like about documentation, one thing he had in his wireframe was history of changes... it's something I refused to do because it made readers of the document don't see the whole picture. However, the way he put it was more for the sake of myself. I can keep track of conversation and decision. I buy it! Another way to have a smoother meeting is by anticipate all participants' agenda.

Compare to the morning session, the afternoon session was just over-promising in the description and it is considered as wasted of money for me to attend. I sat in class, and was working my email and coordinating sync. Boring. She focused too much on the usability of the webpage. I don't feel she actually tackle the PERSONA - which I really want to learn, how to design one and stick with it.. even involve other stakeholders to use it. It's waste of time.. but I guess I used it WISELY.

There is a session for the first timer to the IA Summit. Dennis said 5 1/2 things for us to remember: reflect, focus, go to 5 min madness, go depth,... hmm... talking to people (networking)... something like that.

The party was a bit sucky. I had fun trading cards and chatting with a few people I met in the day time.

Another thing I have done was for Dave Robins from Kent University. I went through his study and learn about MYSELF... what do I like vs what I don't like. Very interesting especially the conversation that I had with Rebekah on the side.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the real summit... time for bed so I can be less tired!

Hotel Miami

I was in room 613. As soon as I walked into the room.... it smells funny. I like the room setting even though I found it weird when I first walked in. It has a 3 feet hall way lead to a closet and a bathroom. On the other side of the wall, it's the king size bed, side way. There are 4 big windows which led to... bad views. Hmm... strangely, there is a metal ticking sound from the air condition. I first found it OK because it was pretty early in the evening. I was more occupied to get online and figure out what to have for dinner.

I went to dinner at a bar with Steve, who ate already. We talked about .. work. He also told me about the workshop that he went to - design pattern. It's quite interesting. I am looking forward to learn more from him.

As we went up to the room, as we about to say bye, Steve asked me what's the room number I got. I said 613.... He told me that he stayed in that room last night. The metal ticking sound bothered him.... HMM.. I went down to the lobby again to change a room.

I went from the old room (packed my thing) and moved to the new room. As soon as I came approach the hallway... OMG, it's even worse. This time, it's the ice machine... It's like someone is blowing drying their hair next to your ear loud. I called immediately, the guy at the desk that it will be turned off in a few min. I looked at the clock, I figure, it's a few min short from 11:30.. I figure, that might be a good time to TURN it off... But, I waited till 12:05, it's still ON... I called again. This time, I went more aggressive... i offered to turn it off myself, if I am allowed. He said he would send someone to do it. 5 min later, I heard someone in the hallway, two second later, it's OFF.

OMG, I thought it's a 5 stars hotel... it took me so many try to get it right.. and the wireless is not free.. sucker... I actually have to write my blog in text editor to save company 12.99. MAN!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello Miami

I am now at Miami attending IA Summit which started today (workshops) and will last till Monday. I spent most of the today on the road: arrived at airport 9:00am PST, and flew in 8pm EST in the evening. Even though now is almost 1am, I am still up and awake. This is not so bad b/c I can write BLOG; I will know better how this affect me tomorrow!

Typically I don't like to be on the road however today is great!

I have been very stressed out (ok, busy'ed out) by work/life. I don't have much down time PERIOD: me wake up, go work, home, work, shower, sleep, then repeat. I woke up earlier than before in attempting to get more. And I stay at work later, and and bring work home to try to finish them. Despite of my "trying," I still missed my deadline. I have to do things on "last in first out" basis... Never in my life that I have to pack the last min before travel, this time I was still packing at 11pm.

Anyway.. done complaining....

So today I got to airport 9am... very tired! I didn't really want to pull out laptop to start working. Instead, I played a little DS, and went to have a Udon for breakfast. I also bought a bag of chips for on the road (proofed I should buy MORE). And as soon as I got on the flight, I was in ready position to sleep. I woke up in between, I ate my chips and watched some movie (too lazy to get ear buds out). Played some DS, went back to sleep. I woke up, and ate my chocolate chips (breakfast from yesterday), and played some DS and went back to sleep. Woke up drinking juice, and ready to land.

Yes, this is how I spent today... eat, sleep, wake up, eat... repeats.. and DS in between! I was totally relaxed. I felt all the "weight" that I lost (ok, it's only 2 pounds) due to no time for food, and the sleep that I have missed, and the downtime that I didn't have ... I got them all today ON the flight. Instead of feeling tire.. I was totally refreshed on my way off the flight!

PRAISE GOD for this travel day.

(O... wait until I get chance to trash talk about the hotel I stay in... I almost have back to back changing room... :-p)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Digital Picture frame

For every terrible mockup we see, there's a few that stand out -- and it looks like that Digital Polaroid frame concept we spotted a couple weeks ago caught some eyes over at Polaroid as well, because the company has apparently contacted designer Dave Friedman and is working on making it a real product. That's a pretty fitting tribute to a classic gone by -- but we won't be appeased unless you can shake this thing to make new photos appear.

That's a post from

I really like this idea even though:
"David Friedman, the concept's originator, got in touch and let us know that "I wish [it] were the case, but unfortunately the first I heard of this was earlier today in a post on Stuff Magazine's website. ... So I think this still goes in the "rumor" category for now."

Hmm, what if....
we can have a picture frame.. polaroid style or not.. it's supported by an interface that people can add caption to it. And the picture frame itself will process all those writing and put it in the bottom (the white area).

Even better, I felt today digital picture frame is kinda "dumb" idea because you have to plug it in and turn it on for display. No one will keep that on always.. or plug in when guest show up. MY SUGGESTION is... to have it support by solar power :)... probably need some battery to keep powering the device. Technically, it's challenge. But, it made the perfect sense. When guest comes, we want to turn the light on and show the picture... even better, we can have some sort of "gallery treatment"

[see picture here]

Or we can always have a switch to "strength the power" if people actually are viewing!


Thursday, February 07, 2008

Picture Tagging

Google has their way to make people to do the hard work :)

I am a believer of hierarchy-less retrieving - aka tagging. (wow, the terminologies used to occupied my head are all gone). However, I do realize the fact that it's an enormous work to make it usable. But Google has its way quietly put this WORK onto the users.

It is not a new idea to have this type of competition tagging game. I have read it in the research paper. This way, not only there is some sort of consensus of the best tag for the given picture. Also, there is association of tags. AWESOME!

Yes, the hotness of tag has passed... people don't talk about it much any more. However, with google image labeler.. who knows... maybe when they gather enough data, they can push more products out with imagine association feature.

Friday, January 18, 2008


從來沒有 snowboarding 過~~
明天來去上課 :) 希望可以學會 哈哈!!

只有我很 SULA 都不太敢去玩~

請為我的安全禱告 :)
年紀大 怕摔跤~~~ 會痛~ 哈哈